Zero Density | Next-Gen Virtual Sets For Live Production

Inputs/Outputs Explainer | Sponsored by Zero Density

In this blog and video, we’re diving into the evolution of virtual production, which has transformed dramatically since its debut in popular media. Remember when The Mandalorian made waves in 2019 with its groundbreaking virtual production set? Fast forward five years, and what was once a highly customized, expensive setup is now more accessible and user-friendly, thanks to advancements in technology.

Virtual production has moved beyond episodic series and movies; it’s now making waves in live broadcasts for news, weather updates, elections, and even sports. The transition from highly specialized systems to turnkey solutions means that virtual production is here to stay, providing opportunities for more engaging content creation.


 Virtual Production Setup: Exploring Zero Density

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s focus on one particular vendor: Zero Density. Recently, Zero Density collaborated with our engineering team at Key Code Media to test and integrate a virtual production system. A huge shoutout to the Zero Density team for their expertise and support!

Our Demo System
For this demo, we utilized a Panasonic UE-150 PTZ camera for image tracking, which is regarded as the best in the industry. To light up our green screen, we employed several Litepanel LED products, and the Zero Density graphic server was integrated with our video switcher. The entire setup took our team about half a day, while Zero Density spent a full day configuring the virtual sets to ensure everything was dialed in correctly.

While the estimated total cost of the setup was around $120,000, with approximately $80,000 attributed to Zero Density equipment, the investment reflects the advanced capabilities of modern virtual production.


Virtual Production 101

Let’s break down the three typical setups in virtual production:

  1.  Virtual Studios (VR)
    Virtual studios utilize CGI environments to create immersive experiences, enabling producers to craft virtual sets in place of physical ones. This technology, which has been around since the ’80s, gained credibility with the adoption of **Unreal Engine** in 2016. Today, virtual studios offer realistic, photo-worthy environments without the high costs of traditional sets.
  2.  Augmented Reality (AR)
    AR enhances the real world by overlaying digital content, making it interactive and engaging. Iconic examples include Gollum in *The Lord of the Rings* and Fox Sports’ mascot appearances during games. AR brings a new dimension to live events, adding depth to broadcasts.
  3. Extended Reality (XR) / Set Extension
    XR encompasses all real-and-virtual environments, blending elements from VR, AR, and mixed reality. A prime example is **CNN’s use of XR** for election coverage, integrating virtual maps and data into the studio for real-time updates. Films like *Avengers: Endgame* also leveraged XR techniques for expansive environments.


Components of a Virtual Production and the Zero Density Product Family

Now, let’s explore how Zero Density fits into the virtual production ecosystem:

  1. Graphics
    Zero Density’s **Reality 5** graphics engine creates hyper-photorealistic environments in real-time. Based on Unreal Engine 5, it excels in tracked environments. Additionally, Zero Density launched **LINO**, a new real-time motion graphics platform for non-tracked applications like overlays and LED wall content.
  2. Rendering
    Rendering is critical in virtual production, where quality and speed directly impact photorealism. Zero Density’s **EVO II** hardware, built on advanced NVIDIA architecture, ensures seamless integration of 3D models and live-action footage.
  3. Tracking
    Accurate tracking is vital for aligning virtual elements with live action. Zero Density’s **TRAXIS** provides camera and talent tracking, enhancing the production experience. With modular cartridges for easy transitions between cameras, TRAXIS streamlines the setup process.
  4. Lens Calibration
    Lens calibration accounts for optical characteristics, ensuring proper integration of virtual graphics with live footage. The **Traxis Hub** consolidates tracking and lens data for seamless virtual production.
  5. Keying
    Keying blends physical and virtual worlds effectively, and Zero Density’s Reality Engine offers built-in keying capabilities, eliminating the need for separate processing systems.
  6. Workflow Integration
    The **Reality Hub** system controls all graphics solutions, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing errors by integrating with newsroom systems and automation.


Simplifying the Workflow with Zero Density

One of the most significant advancements with Zero Density is the simplification of the virtual production process. In the past, separate products for tracking, rendering, and more required complex setups. Zero Density has streamlined these components into a cohesive, all-in-one package, minimizing costs and potential failures.

Importantly, Zero Density remains compatible with various third-party products, allowing for flexibility in existing setups.


Why We Like Zero Density?

Zero Density offers several features that enhance the virtual production experience:

  • Hot-swappable power supply for reliable live broadcasting.
  • Support for 12G or 3G inputs.
  • Easy switching between pre-configured positions through presets in Reality HUB.
  • An all-in-one virtual production setup starting at $80K, enabling high-level graphic work for professionals in film and live broadcasts.


Next Steps – Contact Key Code Media For Graphic Solutions

As virtual production technology continues to advance, Zero Density stands out as a leader in this space. With their innovative solutions, you can create stunning, immersive experiences that captivate audiences and elevate your production capabilities. Embrace the future of virtual production with Zero Density, and transform how you tell your stories!

If you are look into top graphic solutions for live production, Key Code Media is the preferred reseller, with preferred pricing, certified engineers, and front line support on the top live production and graphics solution providers like Zero Density, Brainstorm, Ross Video, VizRT, Grass Valley, Evertz and more. Contact us today!