What This Means For ABS & Key Code Media Vendors
Q: What does this announcement mean for Vendors?
A: ABS and Key Code Media greatly value our vendor partnerships. A significant part of the transition will be Mark Siegel’s change in role. Mark will be appointed VP of Business Development for Key Code Media. In this new role, Mark will work directly with vendors to build a nationwide product, bundle, and promotional strategy for the Key Code Media and ABS sales team.
Q: We currently have a lead in the Pacific Northwest that needs to be qualified. Who do I send leads?
A: Pacific Northwest leads should be sent directly to Mark Siegel AND marketing ([email protected]; [email protected]). Our marketing team will do an email and call campaign to all the contacts provided. Feedback on lead status- qualified, unqualified or a new opportunity- will be sent back to vendors. We will also automatically assign all leads to a Key Code Media/ABS representative, so you’ll know who to follow up with for each opportunity.
Q: What are the updated accounts payable for vendors?
A: Starting May 1, 2019, all ABS and Key Code Media purchase orders will reflect our new legal entity name of “Key Code Media”. Please issue all of your invoice and payment to this new legal entity name.
Q: If I’m not currently a Key Code Media vendor? How can I update my record?
A: If you are currently not a Key Code Media vendor, please find our updated credit reference and a copy of our new W9 form for your convenience.
For all existing or new Key Code Media and ABS vendor, below is an updated multiple sales tax jurisdiction form.
Q: Who can I contact at Key Code Media to setup the new vendor contract agreement or new vendor account if I am not currently a Key Code Media vendor?
A: Please direct those questions to our Purchasing manager, Andrew Holinsky at Key Code Media.
Andrew Holinsky
Key Code Media
p: +1-818-303-3900
e: [email protected]
Q: Who can I contact at Key Code Media to resolve any ABS or Key Code Media billing or accounting questions?
A: Please direct all billing or account questions to our Account Payable team.
Q: How should we update our reseller website.
A: ABS will remain as a separate division of Key Code Media. We would ask that you keep the current ABS email, phone number, and address listed. Please update the name to “ABS, A Division of Key Code Media.”
ABS, A Division of Key Code Media
p: (206) 870-0244
e: [email protected]
18856 72nd Ave S.
Kent, WA 98032
Q: Who should we contact if we have questions?
A: For all other inquiries, please reach out to Mike Cavanagh ([email protected]) and Mark Siegel ([email protected]).