Remote Live Production With NewTek NDI®

Remote Live Production With NewTek NDI®


Let’s face it, everyone is thinking about how they can get their live production operating remotely. But, where do you start?

In this BROADCAST2POST, we’re diving into the basics of setting up a production studio- remotely connected with NDI®. NDI® is intended to enable video transport for production and distribution cross-production between remote locations.

 Key Code Media will demonstrate turnkey cameras, lighting, and video switcher equipment that will allow you to create professional video content remotely- with the added bonus of 4k video, remote guests via Skype or Zoom, multi-cam live streaming, built-in graphics, and chroma key.

This will be essential learning for any corporate video departments, city governments, houses of worship, or video education facilities.

Troy Witt is president of Take One Productions, Inc., a full service video production, live multi-camera event video, and webcasting company in Southern California. A pioneer in video on the web, Troy has been producing video of all kinds since the mid-90s when the Internet was just beginning. He has been live streaming since 2004 and currently live streams for clients multiple times per week.. His team produces video – both live and on-demand – for everyone from trade journals, to big pharma, to automotive and education.

The Key Code Media team is standing by to answer your remote production equipment or solution questions. Contact us to get started.