Horror Night – A 4K OTT Deliverable Workflow Event

Come join us at Key Code Media’s Horror Night, A 4K OTT Deliverable Workflow event on Thursday, Oct. 26th starting at 6pm. In collaboration with some of our top partners, Key Code Media will produce a 1-2 minute movie trailer, right in front of your eyes. With the help of Panasonic, Sony, Atto, Telestream, Avid, Facilis, Adobe and Blackmagic, we’re going to pull off a Netflix 4K deliverable LIVE!

From content creation and camera capture, ingest and transcode, complete editorial, finishing, original music, and sound, to final deliverable and archive. It’s going to be a spooktacular event! And as an added bonus we’ll have food and drinks…what more can you ask for?

Seating is limited so hurry up and reserve your seat NOW!

Thursday 26th October 2017
6:00pm PST
Key Code Media Burbank