Igloo Music is a state-of-the-art audio post production complex located in the Burbank Media district, focusing primarily on multi-channel film mixes, ADR, voice-over, sound design and live music production. Owner Gustavo “Gus” Borner is no stranger to success in the audio industry, personally earning 30 Grammy Nominations, winning 24 Grammys & Latin Grammys combined across his extremely talented team.
“I’m very proud of my team. The only reason we keep expanding is that we have such a talented pool of audio engineers, producers, and mixers” commented Gus Borner, Owner, and Chief Engineer of Igloo Music.
To say Igloo Music is experiencing growth would be an understatement. What started as a small audio house, expanded into a new larger facility in 2000. Expanding into four large control rooms and three audio mix rooms brought on a host of new collaboration complexities for their audio engineers.
“Our entire facility was running on hard drives- USB drives, firewire drives, USB sticks. As you could imagine, things like backing up and syncing drives between six audio enginners became a real problem. This was a total pain.”
Igloo Music reached out to Avid and Key Code Media to help simplify their audio production. After evaluating the facility and reviewing options, Key Code Media designed a network-attached Avid NEXIS SAN environment connected to each Pro Tools audio suite over IP- enhancing collaboration.
“Having the SAN [storage] available for us is maybe not something the client is aware of, but it helps for our own piece of mind. Also, if we’re running out of space we can just expand now. It’s pretty amazing.”

Igloo Music mixes primarily on three Avid D-Control Consoles, using Pro Tools HDX. There is also an upgraded triple-stack HDX card so they can expand to 600+ tracks for their major theatrical film projects. Each room is now connected over the Avid NEXIS storage network, completely changing their business.
“Our workflow is now a lot more efficient. For example, any of my audio engineers can instantly jump into a client session, from any Pro Tools station, and assist with the project. We’re really able to help our clients do a lot more cool stuff. It’s exciting,” concluded Gustavo.